Hi there! My name is Brandon, my callsign is VE7TZB, and I hail from Vancouver Island, Canada. I'm currently interested in HF/VHF/UHF, APRS, Digital Modes, and making radios work with modern computers.
Check out the blog post about my road to getting my Basic Qualification (with Honours).
Some of the clubs I am a member of include:
- NARA, Nanaimo Amateur Radio Association (where I'm a Director, 2023)
- NIARS, North Island Amateur Radio Society
- CVARS, Cowichan Valley Amateur Radio Society
I'm currently building out my experience on the amateur bands and the equipment/technology that are used on them. I maintain an APRS iGate that fills in a hole in our current coverage of Nanaimo, BC, and I'm always looking for ways to improve said coverage.
POTA/SOTA are my interests away from my home shack as I am an avid outdoors person with an interest in exploration and off-road travel. If we make a contact on air, please reach out to me!