Hi there! My name is Brandon, my callsign is VE7TZB, and I hail from Vancouver Island, Canada. I'm currently interested in HF/VHF/UHF, APRS, Digital Modes, and making radios work with modern computers.
I'm currently building out my experience on the amateur bands and the equipment/technology that are used on them. I maintain an APRS iGate that fills in a hole in our current coverage of Nanaimo, BC, and I'm always looking for ways to improve said coverage.
POTA/SOTA are my interests away from my home shack as I am an avid outdoors person with an interest in exploration and off-road travel.
This is a list of the best Amateur (Ham) Radio apps I’ve found across the internet and personally used. It doesn’t intend to be the most exhaustive, however it does intend to be updated regularly as I find and test new apps.